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Day 2: Roundup of SROA's 2022 Annual Meeting

By: Tammy McCausland

SROA members began Day 2 of SROA’s 2022 Annual Meeting with a general session called, “Centering Diversity in Radiation Oncology: The What, The Why, and The How.” Dr. Parul Berry, Dr. Jerry Jaboin and Dr. Ivy Franco provided historical context about diversity and shared some of the personal challenges they have encountered as radiation oncologists from underrepresented minority groups. They offered numerous concrete suggestions on how radiation oncology departments and centers can diversify their radiation oncologist staff and improve their retention. Some suggestions include: giving less weight to test scores; exploring more deeply the reasons for lower test scores (for example, due to lack of financial resources to take test prep courses); and having standardized questions for all interviewees. The panelists also talked about ways to improve retention such as ensuring that the HR partners have the appropriate expertise for specific circumstances.

The second general session was a panel discussion called, “What Will Artificial Intelligence Mean For My Radiation Oncology Department?” Dosimetrists answered a range of questions about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiation oncology. They talked about how AI is currently being used, how it will be used, its limitations and downsides, and opportunities and how it will be used going forward.

SROA held a series of topic forums on business & leadership, new administrators, nursing, payer trends and technology trends. SROA members had the opportunity to attend the sessions and ask questions. The topic forums were followed by 10 poster presentations that covered topics such as cybersecurity, daily huddles, AI-based contouring in radiation therapy, the effects of COVID-19 and generational diversity in the clinic. Each presenter gave a 5-minute talk on their topic.

In the afternoon SROA members visited the ASTRO Exhibit Hall.

What iniatives is your clinic undertaking to improve diversity in radiation oncology?

How is your clinic using AI?

What new technologies were you most excited about?

Share any helpful tips and suggestions.

We would love to hear your experiences.

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